Over the last month I feel like I’ve been trying to play catch up, in terms of sorting out all the PR and media promotion that I am trying to do alongside the campaign. This started out as just a small project for me that I didn’t think anyone would have any interest in. As I went out to sponsors and they started coming on board this project just seemed to keep growing. Now it seems to have taken on a life of its own far bigger than I ever anticipated.
I don’t feel like I have achieved much over the past month. My dad has been dutifully wiring everything in for me, and so I haven’t been of use practically. Instead, I feel like I’ve spent endless hours sat on the boat staring at my laptop with phoebe snuggled up next to me. Frantically trying to put together content for this website, keep track of sponsors and when they are delivering kit as well as getting this project closer to an official launch date.
I have been incredibly lucky that my dad is a retired electrical engineer and can fix pretty much anything, and my uncle is a yacht surveyor who knows everything about boats. Between the two of them they have spent an endless amount of time helping me get Fear ready. I will never be able to repay them, as there are not enough baked goods I can ever make, but I know it makes us feel a bit less scared about this whole thing knowing Fear is over engineered in every way possible!
I’ve always known the power of the sailing community, seeing as my adopted parents I met through the sailing club. But since starting all this I have been humbled time and time again by the number of people who have given up their time for free to support me on my journey. I am good at sailing but the rest of this I have been making it up as I go, and I couldn’t have done any of this on my own.
The thing that has shocked me has been the number of perfect strangers who really didn’t know me or have any reason to help me but who have come on board anyway. Giving up their time for me and my project when they had no need to.
Honestly there have been so many people who have contributed that it’s impossible to name them all. But one person deserves highlighting, seeing as he is the reason you guys are getting to even read all this. Trevor from Eonic Digital. Who simply responded to a plea for help on the Brighton Marina Yacht Club WhatsApp Group and has not only built me this amazing website, but who has got even more of his contacts involved in pushing this project further. Project Fear is so much bigger and better than I could have ever hoped for and a lot of that is down to him.
It has been a lovely reminder in a world that seems to at times be increasingly negative to know there are so many amazing supportive people out there. As I get closer to my go date the nerves are getting worse and my confidence keeps wobbling. Worrying that I’m not good enough or that I’m not capable enough.
When I falter, I thankfully only must look at Fear and remember where each person has helped to know I have a whole community behind me and that together we will make this happen. This may be a solo circumnavigation but I’m rapidly learning I am very far from alone.