Get Jazz Turner
Around the UK in 2025
I face many a ‘no’ in my life,
I do my best to turn them into ‘yes’.
Jazz Turner, GBR para-athlete
Sailing has given me a family. It gives me freedom, independence and something to live for. I want to compete in sailing around the globe. It’s my life’s dream and I intend to achieve it, while instilling in others that they can do the same.
In June 2025 I am attempting to become the first female wheelchair user to complete a solo, non-stop, unassisted circumnavigation of the UK and Ireland.
Throughout the journey I am hoping to raise £30,000 for RYA Sailability to provide new boats as well as assistive technology.
This will only be possible with your support. Please support me on my journey.
My Mission
Create Opportunities
I want to create a world where there are more yes’s than no’s. I believe anything is possible with the right support and adaptions in place.
Raise Awareness
Through social media and public speaking I want to educate people about the reality of living with a life limiting disability.
Break Boundaries
Prove that my disability is not my limitation. The only limitation is what you can imagine.