She's Back!

She's Back!
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The last job to do before she went back in the water was to apply her vinyl wrap.

The last job to do before she went back in the water was to apply her vinyl wrap. That happened yesterday and so today it was all go to put her back in the water. This marks the end of the first refit stage and means we are ready for the second stage of the refit process.

The design for Fear’s vinyl wrap and the branding for Project Fear was born out of a running joke among my family and friends. They all believe I am a better mermaid than I am a human, being more at home at sea than on land. As fear is an extension of me, it felt appropriate that she was fitted with her own set of mermaid scales.

This whole journey is starting to become very real as the list of things to get done grows ever smaller.

The major jobs left is:

  • Finishing connecting and fitting all Raymarine equipment
  • Connect anchor winch
  • Fit wind turbine and solar panels
  • Replace running rigging
  • Fit new sails
  • Apply nonslip deck paint