Mainsheet Tracks

The current mainsheet tracks were the original ones from 1975.

The current mainsheet tracks were the original ones from 1975, it had slotted screws which you could move to change the range of the travel of the mainsheet car. Thanks to Allen they provided me with the kit to install new mainsheet tracks that would be controllable from each side allowing me to pull the tracks to both windward and leeward giving me much finer control over sail trim.

The first step was to apply a wooden beam on top of the existing beam to bring the height of the tracks up. This would make it easier when fitting the cleats at each end, to allow me to get my hand around the rope. Thankfully my lovely uncle made me a beam and chamfered it to the right angle. We used epoxy resin to position in place and then clamped it together using both g clamps and screws. At each end it was also bolted through the hull with a brass spreader plate underneath to help spread the load.

Once the beam was firmly fixed in place the next step was to fit the track on top. We pre drilled the track to allow for easy fitting. This time we borrowed the sailing clubs pillar drill to ensure the holes were drilled directly vertically. The track was simply fixed in place using screws.

The next step was to add the fixings to the hull either side that would allow the mainsheet car to be controlled. The rope went from the car, out to a cheek block before going to a cleat. The cleat was angled up slightly to make it easier to cleat the rope.

The final system is a stark difference to the original track and works an awful lot better. I cant wait to get out sailing and play with it.