Jib Tracks

The new jib tracks from Allen sailing have been fitted. It feels very exciting! 

The new jib tracks from Allen sailing have been fitted. It feels very exciting! The difference between the old ones and the new ones is insane and feel like they are on a totally different planet. The technology development since 1975 is clear to see. I cant wait till we are back in the water and i can really play with them.


When Allen came for an initial consultation on Fear we quickly realized that we would need custom jib tracks as they have a slight curve to them and an unusual hole separation. To ensure we didn’t have to re-drill any holes on fear Allen sent us an undrilled track that we then could customize to fit Fear perfectly.

To change the jib cars over we had to start by removing the current ones. Much fiddling and many expletives later i eventually undid all the bolts and removed the old tracks. It was a good thing we were replacing them as most of the bolts were bent with most of the nuts having worked their way loose to different degrees.

Next step was installation on Fear. Using new bolts and a polyurethane sealant around the holes to stop any leaks and the new tracks were installed. The next challenge is going to be running the rigging but will do that once she is back in the water and the mast is up.

We then bough the old jib cars home, which meant we could prep the tracks in the warm. Using the old jib tracks as a template we were able to clam

p the old and the new tracks together and ensure that the hole pitches matched to make for easy installation. Not having a pillar drill to ensure we drilled perfectly vertical holes, a bit of imagination and a set square later and we had a system to get as close as we could. With all the holes drilled, we then used a countersunk bit to create the headspace for the bolts.

Next step was installation on Fear. Using new bolts and a polyurethane sealant around the holes to stop any leaks and the new tracks were installed. The next challenge is going to be running the rigging but will do that once she is back in the water and the mast is up.

One job done, 6 million to go…..